Friday, December 15, 2017

“Wild Life: Adventures of an Evolutionary Biologist” by Robert Travers

A memoir by an amazing evolutionary biologist. You get some of his life’s work primarily studying lizards in Jamaica, but for much more of the book you get a bunch of crazy stories, from smoking ganga with Peter Tosh backstage at his concert in Sanders Theater while Travers was a professor at Harvard, to almost getting killed by a machete wielding burglar in Kingston, to Travers’ bouts fighting insanity in mental asylums while in college and after, to chasing away hyenas from pack dog kills in the Serengeti with a Land Rover, to getting mugged outside a brothel in Jamaica, to comforting Jane Goodall when her favorite chimp dies in a jungle stream. The book reads like a catalogue of near-death experiences told with humor.

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