Friday, January 15, 2021

“The Milk of Dreams” by Leonora Carrington

This is Carrington’s book of original children’s stories, complete with her own surreal illustrations. While the stories are child appropriate, most would also be appropriate for an adult tripping on acid. In one story, “Headless John,” a boy with wings for ears loses his head as it flies off. “With no head he couldn’t even cry.” In another, “The Monster of Chihuahua,” there is a character named “Senor Mustache Mustache who has two faces—eats flies, dances—here is his turkey.” Others of her stories have a taco vendor who “smelled of caca” and sold rotten meat that could talk, an angel who drinks camomile tea and pees on old women, sofa holes that grow teeth, and even more children getting decapitated. The stories draw on both her English upbringing and her time living in Mexico City. This short book is well worth a read just for the crazy drawings.

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