Thursday, February 22, 2018

“The Mountain Shadow” by Gregory David Roberts

This sequel to Shantaram is pretty much more of the same. It has Lin still working for the Company in Bombay and still in love with a married Karla. Didier is still hanging out at the Leopold bar, drinking too much and doing enough dirt to get by. Even, the Zodiac Georges have an improbable role in the story. Abdullah, the nicest and most honorable street thug killer there ever was, pops in and out of the tale, helping as stoic best friend, sparring partner, confidant, and angel protector. The warring mafias still rule the streets and bribe the cops with abandon. The fast paced plot lines interweave and are occasionally interspersed with quasi-deep philosophical asides. There is love, sex, murder, bribes, beatings, and lots of joints being smoked by all. Again, the star character is the city of Bombay herself. The city pulses with vibrancy as the story unfolds.

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